It’s the time of year where people dress up in their orange and head out to their stands early in the morning . It’s deer season!
For the average hunter the day begins before the sun is even up. Most hunters try to get in their stand before it’s even light out, so the deer don’t know they are in the stands by daylight. For a normal hunt it is best to wear a nice thick coat, snow pants, boots, long underwear, gloves, and a hat. A sit from daylight to around 10 to 11 would be a normal sized sit. Then lots of hunters would go back out from 2 to nightfall. This is because whitetails are most active in the early morning and late evening. Hunters spend most of their time in the strand being silent so bring something to keep you entertained.
Henry Schmidt likes to bring his phone because “ it helps me not get too bored.”
Hunters will either hunt on public or private land. Several places for public hunting are the Richard Hemp land, Skunk Lake, and Dewey Marsh State Natural area. On public land, hunters park then walk back in the woods but make sure to wear orange and take back whatever you brought in. Hunters Jack Seeger and Henry Schmidt will be hunting on private land this season.
There is reason for optimism in the 2024 gun season as the conditions are supposed to be good and cold weather and possible sown which is good for deer movement. This year 8th grader Henry Schmidt’s target buck is a very large 10 pointer in Waupaca county. Senior Jack Seeger from Amherst high school has no target buck this year but. “If it’s big enough I’ll shoot it.”
What are people in Wisconsin’s favorite part about hunting? For Seeger, it was shooting his first buck which was a big 8 pointer. Henry Schmidt’s best memory was “when I shot a 9 pointer with my dad.” Seeger also says “It’s relaxing and you can think about whatever.” Opening weekend in Wisconsin is almost like a holiday where families get together and tell their stories around a fire. What Schmidt likes about hunting is being outside and with family.
No matter what big buck or not this 2024 season will be a good time as long as hunters spend time with their family.