Fall is a favorite season for some people for many reasons. The thing people like is the vibe with the weather first changing, all the decorations and the holiday, Halloween.
People love to dress up whether it’s a store-bought or homemade costume. Students and staff wear costumes trick-or-treating or to parties. Some people also are Grinches during this time thinking the people overhype the drinks or get the decorations ready too fast.
Opinions regarding Halloween
At what age do you think people should stop going trick or treating? Tanner Fletcher, Addison Allen, and Breleigh O’Brian all offered differing opinions. Allen said, “I think 13 is a great age because that’s when you are a teenager.” Fletcher and O’Brian said 16.
Do you think people over hype the season or get decorations out too fast? Most don’t seem to think that decorations go out too fast. The only thing many agreed with was not putting up decorations before September.
Leading up to the holiday
Where is the favorite haunted place to go to with friends? The Haunted Hollow is a popular spot since all answers included it. Fletcher said, “Feltz or the Haunted corn maze is my favorite.” And O’Brian said she enjoys going to the same places but she also had a blast at Six Flags with her sister going through the haunted houses. O’Brian and Fletcher didn’t have any traditions unlike Allen who carves pumpkins every year with her family. Most of the costumes they enjoyed were from when they were younger as noted by O’Brian who said, “I was Cinderella when I was younger so that’s when I probably had the most fun.”
Trick-or-treating day
Allen trick-or-treats in Plover but Fletcher and O’Brian stay in Amherst. Do they prefer homemade or store-bought costumes? All of them said store purchased costumes were their favorite. O’Brian helps hand out candy, Fletcher has a Halloween party with friends and Allen helps her little cousins trick-or-treat.
It’s fair to conclude that Halloween is loved at least a little no matter what age. With age, Halloween and trick-or-treating may become a distant memory but it’s a great way transition into the fall and the cooler weather.