If you are just starting to hunt or learn, it is good to know more what you are using and what is its purpose. The most common thing that you are going to use is some type of weapon because that’s how you are going to get your game.
As a starter, I would recommend a 243. This gun is not going to kick as much as much bigger guns like a 270, 30-06 and many more powerful guns. The 243 Winchester is mainly used for younger kids like 10-, 12-, or 13-year-olds. This gun is just to get you familiar with what the other guns are going to do.
The next thing is ammo, you are going to need ammo to shoot your gun. There are different types of ammo with brands like Winchester and Federal.
Moving into the safety equipment, be sure to wear something that is going to keep you warm and safe at the same time. Hunters wear orange so other hunters don’t think that they are a deer or other type of animal especially at night with low visibility as you will look like a deer if you are not wearing orange. There are many types of orange hunting clothing one can wear. You can get big orange jackets for when it is cold out and orange hats to keep your head warm. If it’s kinda warm out you can wear a sweatshirt that is orange or even an orange hunting vest.
Bow hunters use other equipment like a ground blind or a tree stand. The tree stand requires some attention to detail. The reason that I say this is because there are lots of injuries that are involved with tree stands. Hunters have been seriously injured due to a faulty or unsecured safety harness.
The following sites may be of some assistance when it comes to prepping or the great outdoors and your next big hunting trip:
https://www.cabelas.com › Hunting › Tree Stands
https://www.academy.com › … › Rifles by Caliber