The front page of the Nov. 23, 1963, edition of the Milwaukee Sentinel led with this banner headline: KENNEDY SLAIN BY AN ASSASSIN.
Sixty years later, many questions remain.
According to a recent Gallup poll, 65 percent of Americans continue to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone but rather, that others were involved “in a conspiracy to kill the president.”
While that is a high number, belief in a conspiracy was actually higher between 1976 and 2003, Gallup polls show.
The Associated Press led their story as follows: “A hidden gunman shot President Kennedy to death with a high powered rifle Friday.
“These shots reverberated and blood sprang from the president’s face. He fell downward. His wife clutched his head, crying, ‘Oh, no!’
“Within half an hour, John F. Kennedy was dead and the United States had a new president, Lyndon B. Johnson.”