What does it mean to be green?
The color of earth, life, St. Patrick’s Day

The four leaf clover is green and reminds many about Saint Patrick’s Day.
March 15, 2022
The color green is a very intriguing color. Whenever people think of the color green, many different ideas come to mind.

When people think of the color green, they may think of things like scenery used to decorate on Saint Patrick’s Day. Freshman Evelyn Stokes says that the color green makes her “happy” and “calm.”
The color green can be seen all throughout Amherst High School. Many of the art projects in the hallway have green being displayed in them. Many paintings or drawings are of trees or landscapes.
Freshman Alexis Wiesman says, “I think of plants when I see the color green.” On the other hand, Amara Beaudoin says, “Whenever I think of the color green I think about Saint Patrick’s Day.”
On Saint Patrick’s Day, many people like to wear the color green. The color green makes many people think of Saint Patrick’s day because it’s so common to see on that day. Saint Patrick’s Day isn’t the only thing that people are reminded of when they think of green. Many students say the color green reminds them of spring. With spring coming soon, people can start to see the green peeking through the snow. For the people who don’t like the snow, this can be reinvigorating.
Some people don’t like the color green, however. Freshman Kayla Cullen says, “I don’t really like the color green. I feel like it’s not a very pretty color.” No matter what people think of the color green, it will always catch someone’s eye.