In January, I had an opportunity to visit the school district’s Charter School. I interviewed some of the students in 7th grade and learned about their school and what they do throughout the day.
On Mondays (the date of my attendance) they have S.T.E.M (8:20-9:05), Skills (9:10-9:50), Games (9:55-10:35), Language (10:40-11:20), Violin/ Study Hall (11:20-12:05), Lunch (12:10-12:40), Main Lesson (12:45-2:40). I was only there for a couple hours, but I saw their Games, Language, and Violin which were all interesting to watch. For Language, each student has a language they study semi-independently; they have books to do projects in, but mainly do Duolingo.
The first student I interviewed was Rowan. She joined the charter school in 5th grade and her favorite class to do at school is gardening and math. She likes going to school there because of how it is more open and independent which I think is interesting.
The next student’s name is Emmet, he joined school there in 6th grade. His favorite class there is math. He likes how it’s outdoors primarily within a natural environment.
The last student I interviewed was named Avalo. He started going to school there in 5th grade; his favorite class is percussion and his favorite part about school is seeing his friends.
It was interesting to learn about the charter school and what students like about it and I thought seeing the way they are all friends was nice.