If you were liked by everyone in your city would that make you rich? Willy Loman, the protagonist in Death of a Salesman, thinks popularity is the surest way to success: “Be liked and you will never want. You take me, for instance. I never have to wait in line to see a buyer. ‘Willy Loman is here!’ That’s all they have to know, and I go right through” (30). Willy is not as well-liked as he thinks and proves a financial failure in part due to his own self-delusions. The corrupting influence of the American Dream impacts Willy’s relationships with his friends and his family, most especially his boys, Biff and Happy. His boys are well-liked, and Biff is an outstanding athlete, but it’s Bernard who obtains the most success, largely through hard work.
Growing up, Biff was everything that Willy wanted in a son. He was a star football player, well liked and popular but he didn’t go on to be as successful as Bernard, who Willy called a “loser.” Bernard helped him with math but Biff would blow off Bernard on a daily basis. Biff ended up failing math and didn’t graduate high school. He then ended up in jail and working paycheck to paycheck. He wasn’t the son that Willy wanted him to be anymore. Biff became a disappointment to Willy. On the other hand, Bernard, Biff’s tutor, was not well liked in high school but he was smart. He got excellent grades and went to college. Willy says “The Supreme Court! And he didn’t even mention it!” (74). Bernard is now further in life financially than Biff even though he was not as well liked in high school.
I work as a lifeguard, a job that requires a good deal of contact with the public. It pays to be popular. When getting jobs sometimes it can be about how people perceive you. If more people like you that can help you get a job but you have to have a good resume to back it up. I think that being hard working and trying in school is also something that is important. For example when applying to colleges it’s not about being well liked in your high school it’s about what you have done in your life. It’s about the hard work you put in to reach that point. Being Well liked can help you get through life but you have to have other qualities to get far.
I do think Willy corrupted Biff while Charley did a better job raising Bernard. All Biff wanted was his dad to be proud of him but Willy had too high of expectations for him. He wanted Biff to work at a business and become rich but Biff wanted other things. Biff said, “No, with a ranch I could do the work I like and still be something” (14). Willy thought this meant Biff was wasting his life away but Biff just wanted to do a job that he loved. Bernard’s dad Charley, was supportive of Bernard. He encouraged Bernard to get good grades but was not active in Bernard’s life. He would give Bernard money and never ask about how he is doing. Even though Charley didn’t care about Bernard’s life he still taught Bernard to become a hardworking man.
Biff and Bernard switched spots in life. Biff used to be well liked but now is forgotten by many. Meanwhile, Bernard never used to be well liked but now has become a successful, well liked lawyer. So in the end, does being well liked make you rich? I would say it can help you become rich but no, it’s not the only thing you need to become rich. It’s all up to you if you want to get rich, but if you do want to get rich you will need to work for it.