Kick off your Sunday shoes and get ready for the exciting production of a classic movie Footloose on March 13-16, at Amherst’s Jensen Center. Full of classic upbeat music, brilliant dance routines, and an amazing environment, this is a musical you will NOT want to miss.
Over the years, Amherst has put together many wonderful productions. With this being a funny, classic musical that many people can relate to, it could potentially take the cake as one of the best musicals the Jensen Center has ever put on.
Director Janet Glodowski is excited to present the musical for a variety of reasons. “Variety Productions chose to use the musical because it will allow us to get a lot of students on stage and involved throughout the production.
“The musical has upbeat songs that will be familiar to some who have seen the original movie. Last year, the Iola school district also put on this show, so this allows for us to set designs/costumes etc. to cut the overall cost of the production,” said Glodowski.
Even though the students play a large role, none of this could be possible without the equally important production team consisting of Janet Glodowski, director; Mary Anderson, co – director; Lindsey Haas, choreography director; Brooke Mahoney, administrative director; and Connie Zanella, backstage director.
“What we love most about working with student performers is witnessing their growth—both on and off the stage,” said Glodowski. “There’s a special kind of magic in seeing students discover talents they didn’t know they had, overcome their fears, and build confidence as they collaborate and create something amazing together.”
With rehearsals starting back in November, tensions were high with students trying to get roles in the musical. Senior Jack Seeger and freshman Ray Spadoni were among the students looking to get a part in the musical.
“I am auditioning for the role of Willard because it really fits me, more of a country folk,” said Seeger. “I like the movie Footloose so I’ll probably like the play.”
“I’m excited to be able to perform in another iconic musical from Janet Glodowski,” said Spadoni.
Whether you like the movie or not this is a musical you will not want to miss. As soon as that curtain rises young stars will work together to bring you a classic production that you will never forget. So cut loose and get ready to be awestruck.
Pat • Feb 23, 2025 at 5:22 pm
Are there tickets still available for Footloose? For Saturday or Sunday afternoon? Thank you
Merry Dudley • Feb 25, 2025 at 2:34 pm
The school does not handle tickets for this event. To inquire about tickets, email [email protected].