The concept of advertising is nearly as old as mankind itself, and despite the advent of the computer age and even artificial intelligence, there’s no reason to believe that advertising will disappear from the earth any time soon.
For all of its criticisms and failings, advertising remains a powerful medium. One could even argue that its never been more powerful given its ubiquitous nature in our chaotic, modern world. Some of the best and brightest minds are employed in the creation of advertising by new online media companies as well as traditional companies often referred to as “legacy” media.
With this in mind, it’s only sensible that the Talon encourage the creation of display and other ads by students. Ad space purchased by area businesses is a proven method of support for student newspapers such as the Talon. Even a minimal fee will go a long way toward supporting young journalists while at the same time covering the cost to host the site.
I’m happy to purchase the first ad as a long-time journalist who started a newspaper in middle school and has been working on at least one such publication ever since. Any additional support by the community in terms of ad revenue will be used to further what I consider a noble endeavor.
As an old editor once told me, there’s two questions everyone asks when they read something: 1) What do I get? and 2) What’s it gonna cost me? Well, to answer the second question, ads on the Talon will be billed at $50 per year and rotate at the top of our page (please see two current ads now circulating). As they say in commercials, that’s a bit over $4 per month. This site does have a cost and to meet that cost I personally would rather not lean on the area’s taxpayers, knowing they are already strapped with living expenses and associated taxes. Still, this will allow those who wish to support student journalism to do so of their own free will. Plus, on a side note, ad creation can be used as a graphic design learning tool in the classroom.
In any event, be sure to encourage our student journalists by reading their work; you can even comment. Thank you all for your support! It is greatly appreciated!