After giving it some thought, and playing with various words and phrases, I’ve settled on “got game, bruh?” as my preferred slogan for the Amherst High School Intramural Basketball Association (IBA). It seems to have just the right tone, matching the levity and nature of the league. I’ve gotten a few laughs out of it when I’ve run it by some of the league’s hackers and hotshots. The logo needs work/experimentation but I would like to marry it with the slogan: a short slogan and recognizable logo would pack some fun punch.
I did a mockup one day and will experiment with another ad or two in the future. Students, especially those who play in the league, are welcome to use the slogan to create their own logo. While I like the slogan, I’m willing to “kill my darling,” as they say in Hollywood, if someone has a better idea.
My idea is a play on the “got milk?” slogan that was played to great effectiveness by the Wisconsin Dairy Council. If you read this and have a thought, as well as some design skills and access to design software, try putting something together and we’ll publish it in the future. See me or Mr. Spadoni if you have a new logo/slogan submission to make. I’m happy to pass the ball to you and assist as needed. After watching this league the past two years, I feel as though it warrants a redesign worthy of the league’s many players. Seniors, perhaps you agree and would like to leave us with one last “impression” now that the season is over.
“got game, bruh?” …. or are you sitting this one out….bruh?
– Mr. Van Lannen
Juice • Feb 24, 2025 at 11:30 am
Got game?