Throughout the years, the people of our community have taken time on Memorial Day to honor those who have served our Nation in the Armed Forces, those who are currently serving in uniform, and to especially honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that we might live as a free people. The large number of people attending and participating in these moving ceremonies is a reflection of the genuine pride we have in their commitments to preserve our liberty, and the heartfelt gratitude we have for the sacrifices they have made to protect our nation.
America’s Memorial Day ceremonies reinforce our dedication to honor our past in order to insure our future. It is in this spirit that the organizers of the Tomorrow River Memorial Day Program continue to conduct an essay contest and a poster competition for the young people of our community.
Posters submitted will be displayed throughout the community. The winning posters will be displayed at the Memorial Day Ceremony, and the winning essays will be read as part of the Memorial Day Program. All entries will be recognized by Tomorrow River VFW Post #11346 with the winning entries in each category receiving a $25 gift certificate generously provided by the International Bank of Amherst.
2025 Memorial Day Poster Competition
Theme: Honoring Those Who Died For Our Freedom
Entry categories: Elementary, Middle School & High School
Poster size: 12 x 18
Must incorporate the theme and following information on the poster:
Tomorrow River Community Memorial Day Ceremony
Amherst High School
May 26, 2025 – 9 a.m.
Main Street Procession from gym to bridge and ceremony at approximately 10 a.m.
Reception in high school commons following Greenwood Cemetery Ceremony
Must include student’s name, grade, and homeroom teacher on back of poster
Entries must be placed in the collection box located in the elementary school office
Entries due in collection box by Monday, May 5 at 9 a.m.
2025 Memorial Day Essay Competition
Theme: Memorial Day: Honoring Those Who Died for Our Freedom
Entry categories: Elementary, Middle School & High School
Essays must be neatly handwritten or word processed with 300-600 words
Must include student’s name, grade, and homeroom teacher at top of essay
Entries must be placed in the collection box located in the Amherst Elementary School Office
Entries due in collection box by Monday, May 5 at 9 a.m.
Memorial Day Committee Contacts: Mrs. Aralda Bell (715) 258-0237 and Michael Juris (715) 824-3829