Music stirs a student’s soul
October 19, 2022
It’s inescapable. It’s there without us even knowing.
It controls people’s emotions, and to some, is impossible to live without.
It’s a billion dollar industry.
It even causes some to devote their lives to it.
There aren’t many things that influence the everyday lives of people more than this.
“I don’t feel like myself if I go too long without music,” said Amherst choir director Vurchelle Baumann. When asked to elaborate, she added, “Not much makes me forget to eat, but when I am on a roll of learning songs, I absolutely obsess over it until I nail it.”
This is a passion that is shared among a wide margin of musicians. Many, including Baumann, share a uniquely fulfilling connection between the music and the musician that isn’t present in any other career. Ask any musician how important music is in their life, and they’ll tell you that it’s a necessity that can’t be lived without.
Music is so ingrained in our society that one would be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t listen to music. There is a good reason — listening to music makes them feel happy. Why though, is it so much more universal than other art forms such as paintings and poetry?
As supported by the American Psychological Association, music also gives people a medium of communication and self reflection (Schäfer, T., & Sedlmeier, P. (2010). APA PsycNet.) Amherst High School student Ava Krebsbach said that she couldn’t live without music as it is what makes her feel happy throughout the day. From the moment she wakes up for school, to the late night homework sessions, she relies on music to keep her head up. Fellow student Dierks Klieforth had a similar thing to say, “I feel more happy when I listen to more upbeat and fast-paced music.”
With so many different styles of music, is it any wonder why people have different tastes, as music grows a personal connection to the listener.
“2010’s pop I really grew up with, and I used to have dance parties to that kind of music,” said Krebsbach, meaning she likely identifies with the music because of the experience and memories that the music carries for her. Similarly, Klieforth, when referring to country music, responded with, “It has a great tune, and I like how it is sung.”
With all this information, it is clear why music is necessary in the life of a student. It is something that students can relate with, and it helps them relieve stress after a long, hard day of school.
Schafer, T., & Sedlmeier, P. (2010). Apa PsycNet. American Psychological Association. Retrieved September 14, 2022, from
Dierks Klieforth, Amherst High School student
Ava Krebsbach, Amherst High School student
Vurchelle Baumann, Amherst choir director