School construction project well underway

Isaac Glodowski

During the past several weeks, the school’s construction project has begun in earnest. Plans are to add new areas to the school as well as some new equipment to improve the Amherst learning experience.

In this project, the school plans on doing three things: adding a new district office, which is scheduled to be constructed March through August, 2023; adding a new STEAM building, which is scheduled to be constructed June, 2023 through August, 2024; and remodeling the Middle School Family and Consumer Sciences area and library, which is scheduled to be constructed April, 2024, through August, 2024.

                                                        This Image shows the schools plan for the construction, the green

                                                shows new additions, and the teal shows remodels

The goal of the project is to create a better learning experience for all of the kids in Amherst. As of right now (April 30), a construction company  has been hired to begin the new district office. With the passage of the referendum, funds were made available to being the project this spring. A great deal of planning has gone in to the project to ensure that the investment is worth it.

But, as good as this project is, there are still downsides. Principal Mike Klieforth states that the biggest challenge the school faces so far is the disruption of the school day, the noise generated by the construction project, and students having to take different routes to the Tech Ed/Ag building.

But that is only the beginning of the distractions. “When the students come back, we will be fully engulfed in construction. Hopefully the new classrooms where the current offices are and the new offices are complete. If they are not complete, there will be more challenges in shifting and combining classrooms,” said Klieforth. 

Still, these downsides are meaningless in comparison to the upsides. Klieforth said, “Our facilities are becoming dated. To give the students of our district the best opportunities possible, we needed to upgrade. These upgrades will make our facilities state of the art and one of the best facilities in the state.”

“This means that we will have some of the best facilities around and we will be able to have great opportunities for students,” and if all goes to plan, everything should be finished by August 2024.