Wisconsin’s birds landing soon on a feeder near you


Bill Van Lannen

A red-topped woodpecker goes to work on a dead tree branch.

Ty Schelvan

Wisconsin is home to over 300 species of birds all across the state. From bald eagles to chickadees, Wisconsin has it all. 

There are many different magnificent birds in Wisconsin. One of the most commonly seen and most well known birds is the black-capped Chickadee. If you put bird seed out, you will most likely have the black-capped Chickadee come into your feeder. 

Wisconsin’s state bird is the American robin. The American robin is a migratory songbird that is named after the European robin because of its reddish-orange chest. The American robin can be seen hopping around in grass trying to locate worms. Towards the middle or end of fall, the American robin will migrate south.

The sand hill crane is the largest bird found in Wisconsin. The sand hill crane is a tall gray bird that has a huge wingspan of 7-8 feet. Sand hill cranes make a very loud honking noise almost like a Canadian goose. 

Some of the most loved birds in Wisconsin include loons, mallard ducks, wood ducks, cardinals, great blue herons, bald eagles, ruby-throated hummingbirds, red tailed hawks, finches and many more. 

If you live in Wisconsin you can put out some bird seed and see some amazing birds right in your backyard! The two best ways to attract birds are to put out a platform with birdseed or to scatter it on the ground. Most people think the best way is to use a bird feeder but most bird feeders are small and can only fit 3-4 birds at a time. 

“Since moving from southeast Wisconsin, I have noticed a number of birds I’ve rarely seen before, including the red-topped perrault, a large woodpecker. I’m now trying to photograph hawks and owls but they are proving to be very elusive,” said Mr.Van Lannen, English teacher. 

Some birds can be pretty but rather annoying. According to Aiden Krupka an Amherst high school student. “They look cool, but they poop on my car and most of the time they are annoying.” Maddie Lusic an Amherst high school freshman, isn’t much of a fan either: “I don’t notice birds unless they run into my window or unless I’m eating them because birds are fun to eat.”